Parookaville 2019

The biggest German Electronic Music Festival – Already for the fifth time the multi-day PAROOKAVILLE Festival took place at Weeze Airport in July and achieved a new visitor record with more than 85,000 visitors from over 40 countries. For the first time GuestONE was involved with its crew control solution, because besides the annually increasing number of visitors, the number of people behind the scenes is also increasing.

Whether catering requirements, the administration of various access authorizations or the recording of working hours of individual trades – the Crew Control System combines all needs in one system and provides all necessary information at every point of the sprawling event site. In addition to the crew control software developed by GuestONE, which supported the organizers weeks before the actual festival, a lot of technology was used on site: 25 accreditation stations for the production and issuance of photo IDs and wristbands with RFID chips, as well as a configured G1 app for registration and authorization checks at the entrances and the catering station.

A total of 13 project managers from GuestONE were on site for more than 7 days and took care of the set-up as well as the smooth operation of the technology and the system.