dsj - German Sports Youth in the DOSB

This year’s General Assembly of the German Sports Youth was held digitally for the first time due to the ongoing Corona pandemic. The officially registered delegates of the dsj member organisations participated online and were able to elect the new board via digital voting booth. Guests and interested parties were able to watch the livestream of the event.

The invited guests of honour, Dr. Franziska Giffey, Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, Minister President Armin Laschet and DOSB President Alfons Hörmann had their say in a pre-recorded greeting message.

In addition to the election of the board, this year’s agenda included the report of the board for the period October 2019 – October 2020, the report of the annual accounts 2019 and the adoption of the economic plan 2021.The delegates of the general assembly discharged the dsj board with a large majority. With an equally large majority they approved the economic plan for the year 2021. In addition, the plenary assembly decided on an amendment of the dsj Youth Rules in four points.

Michael Leyendecker, newly elected 1st chairman, gave a very positive summary of the event. “With the successful first digital plenary session, the dsj has broken new ground and thus done real pioneering work for association work in children’s and youth sport.”

G1 supported the plenary assembly with advice in the run-up as well as support and implementation of the online elections. Similarly, the handling of delegate questions submitted online was handled on the spot. The project was implemented in successful cooperation with Neumann & Müller.

dsj-campus “Future – Values – Sport – Youth

In the run-up to the dsj General Assembly, the dsj Campus also took place as a digital format. A range of topics and different content were offered at various lunch, afternoon and evening times. At the dsj-campus people from member organisations of the German Sports Youth, from civil society, young committed people and interested people met to talk about the future, about values, about sport and “the youth” together with the youth.
G1 also supported the dsj in the implementation of the digital “Campus” week with a landing page, online registration and a live stream platform.