Volkswagen Service and Product Days

Four parallel tours, eight cities in Germany between August and October, over 5,000 participants and around 8,000 test drives – these are the key data for the Volkswagen Service and Product Days 2018. Guest-One supported the events on behalf of the agency Lux-Service from Munich, where salesmen and service advisors were trained on new products in VW’s own qualification centers.

After the design and pre-production of name badges and lanyards in the event layout, Guest-One set up a web-based accreditation solution for the quick check-in of the participants. Instead of pre-producing the name badges and laying them out on site, the badges were produced at the touch of a button as guests arrived and checked in.

Subsequently, the Guest-One Testdrive Management System was also used. Via smartphones and an appropriately configured app, the daily test drives were recorded and documented by scanning the vehicles and driver(s). Thanks to well thought-out processes and intuitively operable systems, the entire technology could be operated on site by hostesses. Guest-One was only on site for the first three event days per stop, configured and set up the systems and trained the on-site staff accordingly.