Fast admission thanks to digital accreditation

To ensure that an event gets off to a positive start for guests, quick check-in and admission are also of particular importance. Nothing is more annoying and inconvenient for guests than standing in line at a counter for a long time, only to find out when it’s finally your turn that your name is unfortunately not on the guest list or that you can’t find your name tag.
The advantages of a digital system
A quick and comfortable check-in process for the guests is no trick. As a general rule, it is advisable to use a digital system for accreditation as well and to dispense with printed lists, manual check-offs and pre-produced name tags. This is not only faster, but also much more flexible. On the one hand, there is no need to divide the counters into alphabetical order – guests can distribute themselves flexibly among the available stations and thus make optimum use of all the counters.
Instead of pre-printed name badges being picked out of random file boxes, we recommend that the badge not be printed live until the guest checks in. Not only is it faster (in 2-3 seconds the sign is printed), it is also much more sustainable as there is no need to throw away signs for no-shows. Another important effect – overviews of already present and still missing guests are available in the system in real time and thus enable to react if necessary in the event process.
In the check-in system, all guest data is available at the touch of a button. Important information such as guest categories, booked program sections or materials to be issued can be displayed in the check-in mask, thus enabling a very personal approach and competent treatment of guests. All systems are developed in such a way that only a short hostess briefing of a few minutes is necessary to operate everything correctly. Experienced project managers from Guest-One take care of setting up the technology, brief the staff and are present as troubleshooters during the admission.
The digital check-in from Guest-One
If you would like to learn more about our procedures and possibilities, you can find more information and examples here: GuestHub check in