How the right attendee management contributes to sustainable events

Nachhaltiges Event

Ask any company or agency about the next big trend in events, trade shows and conventions and the answer is unanimous: “Sustainability!”
Events must and should be sustainable and as CO2-neutral as possible – an aspect to which not only the organizers but also more and more participants of events attach increased importance.

This is what sustainable events are all about!

In the context of events, the first things that come to mind when thinking about sustainability are technical equipment, devices and their power consumption, reusable decoration, furniture or set construction and, of course, the catering for the guests, which is increasingly being designed to be vegetarian or even vegan. But the right invitation and participant management can also make a significant contribution to the issue of sustainability.

This begins with the decision in favor of a completely digital and thus paperless process. Invitations can be sent conveniently and easily by mail, and registration for the event takes place via a corresponding online portal. Faxes, postcards or other analog registration methods are just as passé as sending confirmations or tickets by mail.
With the registration, each guest receives a confirmation by mail as well as a digital ticket or wallet for quick entry on site.

Sustainable travel options can also be recorded and organized via online registration. For example, you can implement the booking of Deutsche Bahn event tickets into the registration process. With the event ticket from Deutsche Bahn, participants travel on local and long-distance trains with 100 percent green electricity and thus CO2-free. This will sustainably reduce the event’s CO2 emissions.

Car pools for the joint use of (company) vehicles can also be easily organized via the participant management.

Digital also continues on site. Instead of pre-produced participant documents and name tags, we only produce them when the guest actually appears on site. Live printing is not only faster than picking pre-printed documents out of file boxes, it is also much more flexible, as alphabetically divided counters can be dispensed with. Above all, however, the amount of waste is significantly reduced, since for non-arriving guests is not produced in the first place.

Request participant management for a sustainable event

Sustainability can therefore begin with the selection of the right participant management or with the definition of the right processes. Discuss your next event idea with us and let’s figure out together how we can help make it as sustainable as possible.